(NYTimes photo by York summer resident Doug Mills) So Karl Rove did it to John McCain in South Carolina in 2000 and now John McCain is letting Karl Rove do it to Barack Obama....
according to McClatchy, McCain's new ad is just plain wrong. Of course, Palin is just plain wrong about the bridge to nowhere, but that's become urban legend just like those WMD's that Saddam was hiding.
Now John McCain is stirring up false controvery about the "lipstick line".....this is the classic Rovian/Bush strategy. It started with McCain in SC, and it's continued for eight long years. It's much easier to distract, divert and go negative on the other guy than it is to offer solutions to our problems. It also requires less brain power.
81% of the American people believe that this country is headed in the wrong direction. If John McCain is so willing to embrace George Bush's campaign tactics and take advice from Bush's brain, what evidence do we have that he's the change agent that we need?