It's been a bit wild around these parts for the past 38 hours. The electricity went out at 11 pm on Thursday night and was just turned on about 20 minutes ago.
An ice storm, the biggest since 1998, swept through NE on Thursday and laid waste to much of the Maine seacoast, most of New Hampshire and a good portion of Massachusetts. Almost 1.3 million people in New England were without power for some portion of the last few days (at noon today, Central Maine Power reported that more than 169,000 folks in the state were still without juice).
We lost a birch and large portions of most of our pines, and we also lost two gallons of Blue Bell ice cream (sent from Texas), but all in all, we were lucky. The basement is dry, the trees that did come down did no damage and were easily removed with a chain saw and a bit of help from the neighbors and with the fireplace stoked
up and the propane stove burning, we kept pretty warm (Ok, I'm still wearing my hot chilies, but it's not too bad in here--41 at the lowest temperature earlier this morning).
The neighborhood Christmas party was canceled for last night--not because of the lack of power, but because the host's basement had three feet of water sloshing around. No one's phone seemed to be working yesterday so RG and I hand wrote out 35 notices and distributed them to the neighbors, while the hosts bailed out. The party is rescheduled for tonight, power or no: "bring your own candle and a bottle of wine".
We spent last evening at the neighbors, eating steak, cole slaw, rolls warmed on the grill and potato salad. We made s'mores for dessert and they went very well with the tasty pinot noir we were sipping.
We walked home by the light of the biggest, brightest full moon that I can ever remember--or maybe it just looked that way because there was no artificial light to compete with it--and we stoked the fire up as big as we could, bundled up in as many blankets as we could find, gathered the animals in the study (one cat on each of our laps and Mac the Dog on his pillow by the fire) and slept in our recliners. It wasn't too bad until we woke up this morning, middle-aged bones aching and sore and our fingers frozen from the cold.
Coffee was the first order of the day, so we went for breakfast to Rick's Cafe in the village, along with three of the neighbors. We all cradled our cups and gazed at them as if they held the key to all happiness--oh, wait, at that moment, those cups did!
On the way back from the restaurant, we took a tour of town, checking out the damage, snooping in windows to see who had power (most of the town, it appeared) and we came across the CMP staging area. About 40 trucks idling while a group of workers huddled around a map and looked to be making plans to deploy. YAY! 
In preparation for the holiday party, we went to the neighbor's with a generator, took a shower and I did my 'do. Back home, we huddled near the fire, split some wood and read. Until, miraculously, the power came on.
I'm now waiting for the hot water tank to finish heating and I'm going to take me the longest, hottest bath, ever!
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