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January 07, 2009



Too funny-We got a Flip for Christmas too. It's perfect!

Maine Mom

Yes, we did. Two in fact. One for us, and one for my youngest step-daughter (to offset any jealousy of her older sister getting a cool cell phone). Anyway, so far it's pretty awesome!! Being married to a gadget-guy, we have all the cool tools...


Hey-maybe we can trade flip tips? I've not had enough time to play around with it, but so far, so good.


I just loaded some HD video on Facebook from my Flip. I am shocked at how good it works. I have also loaded some on You Tube HD and Vimeo HD. You Tube performed the worst-Facebook the best..Vimeo was meh.....So far for me the only challenge with the Flip is keeping it steady.

Lisa K.

Ummmm...what's a Flip? I just got an iPod not that long ago, soooo...


the Flip video camera: easy to use and small enough to fit in a jeans pocket. AWESOME.

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