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December 31, 2008



Let alone the steaks and lobster...(oh, uh...) I am so curious about the scallops/bacon with the maple syrup drizzle! OMG! Naturally I've done the scallops/bacon thing before, but certainly not with the maple syrup and I have this hunch that it's to absolutely die for.


P.S. How can there be dieting when there is such wonderful FOOD to be had??? (Sigh.)

Account Deleted

Happy New Year, Melissa! The menu sounds perfect. Resolution: more lobster in 2009.

Lisa K.

Only someone from New england (or Cleveland) could call six inches "a bit" more snow!

Have a very Happy New Year!


Wow is that pretty. Unlike the 70s here. Is it too much to ask for just a little bit of chillier weather down here? Like maybe 60? ::sigh::


Happy New Year! Now back to work...sigh

Maine Mom

Happy New Year!! I'm a week late, but it's part of my resolution this year - to be a week late for everything. I think this is the one resolution I may keep!!

P.S. Every time you talk food, my mouth waters...


I love this picture. Is it Maine? I have never been to Maine but it is my dream vacation.We had planned to go last summer but had to postpone due to the prize of gas at that time.
Elizabeth (SimplePleasures)


I love this picture, is it Maine? I have never been to maine but it is my dream vacation.
Elizabeth (SimplePleasure)

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