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September 12, 2008



Sorry for your loss


Thank you. I'm afraid it will be two losses :)
And if I seem a little flip about my uncle's passing, I'm not. He was just so sick these last 6 months that this passing was truly a blessing.

Lisa K.

I saw a video last night of a guy jumping into a manure pile to dig out some Ohio State tickets, and immediately thought of you. Wish I could find it!

And remember, anybody who speaks glowingly about a woman who thinks war is God's will deserves the eff bomb dropped on them...


Sorry for the loss of your uncle.

Lisa K - according to Miss Sarah, she says she was only quoting Lincoln. Perhaps we need to throw her ass back to 1860. We've EVOLVED Sarah.


Condolences on the loss of your uncle, best of luck keeping your tongue between your teeth if a Palin love-fest occurs, and good luck to your team!

Lisa K.

"according to Miss Sarah, she says she was only quoting Lincoln"

My guess is that she didn't even know who Abe Lincoln was before someone whispered it in her ear right before the Charlie interview, much less any quote he might have made.

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