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March 05, 2008


Lisa K.

You know, right now I'm so disgusted with the Clintons I don't think I can, in good conscience, cast a vote for her, and I'm deadly serious about that. I'm sick of this whole attitude that she has some God-given right to be the nominee, and I'm sick of the tactics.


I kinda feel that way until I think about the last 8 years and then I realize that she's better than the other guy.


Right on Lisa-Even though I said i wouldn't talk politics on my blog (which I am thinking about changing) doesn't mean I can't talk about them on other peoples blog. Having said that I think this post is right on and it's clear it is going to get down right nasty. I do look for Barrack to come out a little stronger about Clinton's "experience" or lack there of. Heck I would rather elect Nancy Reagan if the First Lady title is considered "International Experience".

Lisa K.

"I kinda feel that way until I think about the last 8 years and then I realize that she's better than the other guy."

I know, goddammit...


I totally caught you talking politics!!! You are a sham!

Also, you spelled your candidate's first name incorrectly.

You....! I've got your number!! You say that you won't talk politics, but what you really mean is that you won't talk politics with anyone that MAY have a difference of opinion.

-Your loving sister!!!!



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